Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Chanel handbags Collection

The ultimate Chanel Handbags Collection. Chanel,one of the most famous brands in the world. Chanel replica handbags. line is Top fashion available, We offer the highest quality for Unbeatable price for all our Chanel replicas.

Like the rest of Chanel’s Spring 2010 collection, the bags that we saw walk their runway (barnway?) were more rustic-chic than classic Parisian. Whether that’s your thing or not, Karl Lagerfeld certainly seems to believe in it.

The fall/winter 2009/2010 collection from Chanel is now available in Chanel boutiques. Channeling the winter months, Chanel brings in heavy materials, tweed, and a splash of color with the perfect green and pink.

The leather shoulder strap on the green and pink tweed bags is a departure from the classic chain strap, yet I find myself wanting to see the tweed bag with a chain strap rather than smooth leather strap (like the last photo below). My pick for Fall/Winter is the Chanel Extra Large Tweed Flap with the chain shoulder strap. The tweed is reminiscent of Chanel classic suits as is the quilted finish and chain strap. There is also the classical flap with interlaced ribbons which continues to bring dimension to the bag while offering a horizontal pattern rather than the expected diagonal. To view the collection visit Chanel online.

Celebrity handbags

Lily Allen with Her Chanel Cocoon Purse

Chanel Coco Cocoon

Lily Allen is the face of the new handbag line, Chanel Coco Cocoon, which is set to debut in October of this year. The line brings a fun twist to Chanel handbags as the bags are reversible. And straying from the expected, the Coco Cocoon line sports puffy leather.

Lily Allen rocks the bags in the photos shot by Karl Lagerfeld. Only question is what the Chanel enthusiasts will think of this line.

Sarah Jessica Parker with a Chanel Purse

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Sofia Vergara & Her Chanel Shopper

Katy Perry

Blake Lively Bonds with Her Chanel Purse

Ashlee Simpson Brightens

Rebecca Gayheart and Eric Dane

Gucci Handbags

The House of Gucci, better known simply as Gucci, is a Florentine fashion and leather goods label, part of the Gucci Group, which is owned by French company Pinault-Printemps-RedouteGuccio Gucci (1869 – 1953) in Florence in 1921. (PPR). Gucci was founded by

Gucci generated circa 2.2 billion worldwide of revenue in 2008 according to BusinessWeekInterbrand magazine and climbed to 41st position in the magazine's annual 2009 "Top Global 100 Brands" chart created by . Gucci is also the biggest-selling Italian brand in the world.[2] Gucci operates about 278 directly operated stores worldwide (at September 2009) and it wholesales its products through franchisees and upscale department stores.

Gucci is pleased to announce the launch of new handbags series which is debut in 2009 autumn and winter series. This new gucci bags series is combined with the classic Gucci design and expensive leather, fully embody the unique concept of brand creative director Frida Giannini.
Gucci handbags series in 2009 autumn and winter is generous and handsome. A variety of styles are designed for different qualities women.Once released, it become the new favorite for many actresses.

In the gucci handbags series of 2009 autume and winter, precious crocodile and classic GG canvas, as well as cowskin is applied to one bag. This new application makes bags full of level and luxurious. Classic green red green webbing of Gucci has been reinterpreted to be the combination of crocodile leather and cowskin. Its dimensional body with studs decorated at the bottom is more convenient for everyday carrying. Each handbag of this series has a metal lock accessories and leather tag. These are classic fashion details. There are a varity of sholder bags with long and short straps for exchange showing a different form of innovation.
Exquisite workmanship is meticulously implemented to each step. Hand-stitching became complicated because the application of servel leather materials. Only can the artisan who got the special recognition of Gucci make this gucci handbags series.

The latest gucci handbags series in 2009 autume and winter follow up Italy's craft and gucci premier luxury quality, revealing the understanding of fashion from the inside to outside. With the qualty and beauty requirements of art, this handbag series must be one of fashion classic.

Styledrops offers a complete collection of authentic Gucci handbags, available in a variety of comfort styles including outdoor, sport, casual, city. We do find the best items for you, always at the best prices on the market.

Find and buy your dream authentic Gucci handbags here at Styledrops. We purchase Gucci handbags in stock at deep discounts and pass the savings on to you! Check out the money-saving offers in our online catalogue and buy your dream handbag.